3rd Grade Apple Dissection – Year 2024-2025

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September 20, 2024

As a whole class we have been talking and exploring real science fruits and real science vegetables.

Vegetables – Part of a plant that is eaten like leaves, roots, stems; does not include fruit that contains seeds.

Fruit – Part of a plant that contains seeds inside a covering like an apple.

One of the vocabulary words from our unit of study is dissect; to take something apart.

Prior to us dissecting an apple, all students completed an apple diagram as a guide and reference when dissecting their real apple. All students received an apple cut in half by the teacher and served on a plate. All students worked in small groups to label the stem, leaves, core, seeds, skin, and flesh of their group apple. The students collectively collaborated in their small group to place the labels on toothpicks and insert into the corresponding space of their real apple.

Dissecting an apple is a great way to teach students about fruit, to give them an early experience with dissection, and to foster their interest in botany. Students were all scientists and dissected their apple to learn more about their specimen. We all know what an apple tastes like, but by taking a closer look at the apple we learned more about what makes fruit so special.