St. Celestine Athletics
It is the mission of the St. Celestine Athletic Program to provide our students with instructional and competitive sports options as an extension of the St. Celestine Academic Program. Participants will learn the fundamentals of each sport and develop strong, healthy and disciplined minds and bodies. Participants also will develop a sense of good sportsmanship, fair play and team spirit.
Please see the Athletic Monthly Schedule, Information and Forms on the right sidebar of this page.
General Email –
Welcome Letter from the Committee
Dear Celtic Family,
On behalf of the members of the Athletic Committee, we would like to welcome everyone back to school and back for another exciting year filled with Celtic pride, good sportsmanship, athletic development and teamwork. We are excited to join the City Suburban Catholic Conference this year.
Please consider being a part of our exciting athletic program in some capacity – be it as a student athlete, a coach, a volunteer, or a fan. Whatever level of involvement you choose does not matter. Just plan to participate in our vibrant athletic program and show your CELTIC PRIDE!
Parent volunteers are an essential part of providing the student-athletes a positive athletic experience. If interested in volunteering or learning more about the variety of duties of the Athletic Committee, please contact us at
Boys & Girls Cross Country 2024
- Registration – CLOSED
- Registration Deadline:
August 26, 2024 - Cost:
$80 (includes jersey) - Payment:
Please send payment checks or cash to the main office in a separate, labeled envelope. - Regular Season:
August 19, 2024 – Late September 2024 - Grade Level:
All students (grades 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th) are encouraged to play. - Expectations:
Meet # 1 – Friday 9/13/2024 – @ TBD
Meet # 2 – Friday 9/20/2024 – @ TBD
Meet # 3 – Friday 9/27/2024 – @ TBD
Rain Date – Friday 10/4/2024 – @ TBD
JV will run 1 mile and Varsity will run 1.5 miles – All student athletes are expected to follow all rules and guidelines given to them by their coaches, the athletic director and the school principal. Students should attend all practices / meets with an attitude to learn and improve. They should have a good attitude at all times and treat others with respect. - Contact Information:
For questions or concerns involving St. Celestine Celtics Cross Country, please contact the Athletic Director.
- Registration – CLOSED
- Registration Deadline:
August 5, 2024 - Contact Information:
For questions or concerns involving St. Celestine Celtics Soccer, please contact the Athletic Director. - Cost:
$125 (includes uniform) - Payment:
Please send payment checks or cash to the main office in a separate, labeled envelope. - Regular Season:
August 1, 2024 – October 7, 2024 - Grade Level:
All students (grades 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th) are encouraged to play. - Expectations:
All students are expected to follow all rules and guidelines given to them by their coaches, the athletic director and the school principal. Students should attend all practices / games with an attitude to learn and improve. They should have a good attitude at all times and treat others with respect.
- Registration – CLOSED
- Registration Deadline:
September 13, 2024 - Cost:
$170 (includes uniform)
- Payment:
Please send payment checks or cash to the main office in a separate, labeled envelope. - Regular Season:
October 7, 2024 – December 21, 2024
- Playoffs:
January 9, 2025 – January 12, 2025
Boys and Girls All Star Game – January 14, 2025
- Grade Level:
All students (grades 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th) are encouraged to play. - Expectations:
All student athletes are expected to follow all rules and guidelines given to them by their coaches, the athletic director and the school principal. Students should attend all practices / games with an attitude to learn and improve. They should have a good attitude at all times and treat others with respect. - Contact Information:
For questions or concerns involving St. Celestine Celtics Basketball, please contact the Athletic Director.
- Cost:
$170 – (includes uniform) - Payment:
Please send payment checks or cash to the main office in a separate, labeled envelope. - Regular Season:
January 2025 through Late March 2025 - Playoffs:
March 2025 (8th Grade All Star – April 2025)
- Grade Level:
All students (grades 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th) are encouraged to play. - Expectations:
All student athletes are expected to follow all rules and guidelines given to them by their coaches, the athletic director and the school principal. Students should attend all practices/games with an attitude to learn and improve. They should have a good attitude at all times and treat others with respect. - Season:
Girls: Season starts January 2025 and will run through March 31, 2025
Boys: Season starts January 2025 and will run through March 31, 2025 - Contact Information:
For questions or concerns involving St. Celestine Celtics Volleyball, please contact the Athletic Director.
- Registration – To be posted!
- Cost:
$80 (includes jersey) - Payment:
Please send payment checks or cash to the main office in a separate, labeled envelope. - Regular Season:
April 2025 – May 2025 - Grade Level:
All students (grades 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th) are encouraged to play. - Expectations:
Meet # 1: Sunday 04/21/25 – @ Notre Dame College Prep
Meet # 2: Sunday 04/28/25 – @ Notre Dame College Prep
Meet # 3: Sunday 05/05/25 – @ Notre Dame College Prep
All students athletes are expected to follow all rules and guidelines given to them by their coaches, the athletic director and the school principal. Students should attend all practices/meets with an attitude to learn and improve. They should have a good attitude at all times and treat others with respect. - Contact Information:
For questions or concerns involving St. Celestine Celtics Cross Country – Track & Field, please contact the Athletic Director.
- Registration – To be posted!
- Cost:
$60 (includes t-shirt)
- Payment:
Please send payment checks or cash to the main office in a separate, labeled envelope. - Season:
Tuesday Nights in October 2024 - Time:
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm (Kindergarten & 1st Grade)
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm (2nd & 3rd Grade) - Grade Level:
All students (grades K, 1st, 2nd and 3rd) are encouraged to play. - Expectations:
Instruction and game time is about 1.25 hours. Followed by a pizza party every other session. Each student athlete will receive a t-shirt and all players are required to wear shin guards.
All student athletes are expected to follow all rules and guidelines given to them by their coaches, the athletic director and the school principal. Students should attend all sessions with an attitude to learn and improve. They should have a good attitude at all times and treat others with respect. - Contact Information:
For questions or concerns involving St. Celestine Celtics Instructional Soccer, please contact the Athletic Director.
- Cost:
$60 (includes t-shirt)
- Payment:
Please send payment checks or cash to the main office in a separate, labeled envelope. - Season:
Tuesday Nights in October and November 2024 - Time:
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm (Kindergarten & 1st Grade)
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm (2nd & 3rd Grade) - Grade Level:
All students (grades K, 1st, 2nd and 3rd) are encouraged to play. - Expectations:
Instruction and game time is about 1.25 hours. Followed by a pizza party every other session. Each student athlete will receive a t-shirt and all players are required to wear shin guards.
All student athletes are expected to follow all rules and guidelines given to them by their coaches, the athletic director and the school principal. Students should attend all sessions with an attitude to learn and improve. They should have a good attitude at all times and treat others with respect. - Contact Information:
For questions or concerns involving St. Celestine Celtics Instructional Basketball, please contact the Athletic Director.
- Cost:
$60 (includes t-shirt) - Payment:
Please send payment checks or cash to the main office in a separate, labeled envelope. - Season:
Tuesday Nights in February 2025 - Time:
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm - Grade Level:
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade - Expectations:
Instruction and game time is about 1.25 hours. Pizza party will be held the last Tuesday of the session. Each student athlete will receive a t-shirt.
All student athletes are expected to follow all rules and guidelines given to them by their coaches, the athletic director and the school principal. Students should attend all sessions with an attitude to learn and improve. They should have a good attitude at all times and treat others with respect. - Contact Information:
For questions or concerns involving St. Celestine Celtics Instructional Volleyball, please contact the Athletic Director.
Academic Policy
The Principal supplies the Athletic Committee President and Athletic Director with the names of students who will not be allowed to participate in sport programs for each two-week period. The teachers have considerable input as to whether a child may participate in the sports programs depending on “missing assignments”, “late work” or other areas of academic achievement. A child will remain suspended until his / her grades improve adequately. Parents may remove their children from any Athletic Program, team or squad at any time. However, once the program has begun, there will be no refunds issued.
Athletic Committee and Executive Positions
Athletic General Email –
Haley Devitt – Athletic Director
Joseph Luciano – President
Mike Biegel – Vice-President
Jim Mazzeffi – Treasurer
Michelle Arroyo – Secretary
Sandra Mazzeffi – Spirit Chair
The purpose of the St. Celestine Athletic Committee is to oversee and coordinate all school affiliated sports activities for St. Celestine School children in order to facilitate organization, supervision and financing. The groups coming under this supervision shall include all existing teams for boys and girls.
The responsibility to organize and manage the Athletic Program belongs to the Athletic Committee under the supervision of the Principal. The Athletic Committee is a standing committee of the School Board, composed of executive positions appointed by the Principal. The Athletic Committee works in collaboration with an Athletic Director who is an employee of the school. The committee meets at various times throughout the school year Regularly the second Monday of each month). Check the listing of open meetings and Athletic Committee requests for parent attendance at meetings for special event planning.
Specific Duties of the Committee
- Determining the necessity of supervision, supplying all equipment, facilities and supervisory personnel.
- Recommending for approval the formation and entry of any athletic team or squad into any league or tournament and supplying entry fees. No group shall participate in any kind of competition without the approval of the principal.
- Determining the necessity and supplying of all letters and awards for these groups.
- To sponsor and supervise all athletic-related extracurricular activities for all teams.
- Arranging any tournaments or sporting activities.
- Investigating any discipline problem of an individual or group of individuals participating in athletic programs, with the option of recommending to the Principal the suspension from participation in athletic activities and/or using athletic facilities.
Athletic Director
The Athletic Director is responsible for organizing and overseeing the Athletic Programs. It is the responsibility of the Athletic Director to schedule gym time based upon the following guidelines as established by the Athletic Committee:
- Competitive Sporting Event
- Sport in Season
- Sport Out of Season
- Adult Programs
It is also the responsibility of the Athletic Director to maintain all Athletic Program paperwork. The Athletic Director is the primary contact to address any Athletic Program concerns, working in conjunction with the Athletic Committee.
Coaches are volunteers selected and monitored by the Athletic Director. Coaches must complete a background check, attend a Virtus “Protecting God’s Children” Workshop, read and sign the Archdiocesan Code of Conduct, and fill out a form for a DCFS screening before being allowed to coach.
Complaint Procedure
Parents should first abide by the “24 hour cool off” period and then communicate directly to the appropriate coach if problems or concerns arise. If either party is unsatisfied with the outcome of the initial discussion, a formal letter or email should be sent to the chair of the Athletic Committee. The Principal will handle sensitive matters.
All fees must be paid at the time of registration or the student-athlete may not be able to participate in practices or games.
Improper Language
Improper language will not be tolerated at any level. The procedure for dealing with improper language is as follows:
- The first offense will result in a warning.
- The second offense during the same game / activity will result in sitting out of the rest of the game / activity.
- Any repeated usage of improper language may result in suspensions or removal from a team or activity.
This applies to student / athletes, parents, fans and coaches. It is the coaches’ responsibility to follow these guidelines.
Medical Information and Forms
All student-athletes in competitive programs need to submit a Medical Release form signed by their doctor in order to participate. Students in 6th grade do not need to submit another release form. In addition, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify coaches of any medical condition(s), or medication(s) required for their child, and must notify the coaches of any medication(s) in the player’s possession.
St. Celestine School is concerned with the development of the WHOLE person: The religious moral, social and academic dimensions, as well as the physical development. We believe that participation in athletics is an important part of student development. Through participation in the St. Celestine Athletic Programs, students may develop lifelong skills and positive values. These values include leadership, healthful living habits, self-discipline, integrity, teamwork, respect for rules and regulations and the ability to participate with dignity and grace.
Playing Time
Instructional programs are designed to develop the student athletes’ skills and abilities, as well as teaching the fundamentals of the game. Competitive teams typically begin in 4th grade.
The 4th, 5th and 6th grade teams are still instructional and skill-development in nature. Each student-athlete will be given equal playing time throughout the course of the season with the exception of the last quarter in which the team will play to win.
In 7th and 8th grade, playing time is based on skills, attendance at games and practices, attitude and willingness to work as a team player. This is competitive play and playing time is not guaranteed at this level.
Service Time Requirement
The service hours described below are the minimum necessary to run an athletic program for the student athletes of St. Celestine School. Additional volunteer hours provided by parents may be necessary to enhance the overall athletic experience for the children.
Parents of student athletes are expected to volunteer for two (2) hours of service time per sport with a maximum of six (6) hours throughout the course of the athletic/school year.
Special Events 2023-2024
Fundraising and other Athletic-sponsored special events will take place throughout the school year. Parents volunteers are needed to assist in planning and conducting these events. Planning meetings will be announced through the school’s weekly Brown Envelope.
Special Events:
- Athletic Mass
- Picture Days
- Bags Tournament
- Trivia Night
- Awards Night
More information will be posted closer to the event dates.
All student-athletes are to wear the set uniform. Each student-athlete must be fully dressed for each game. If the student athlete is not in uniform, he or she may not be able to participate in the game that day. All uniforms are yours to keep at the end of the season. They should not be returned to the school.