School Liturgies
During the School Year, the children attend the 8 am weekday Masses at Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Parish (Saint Celestine Worship Site), according to the following schedule:
Mondays – Grades 1, 4 and 5
Wednesdays – Grades 2 and 3
Fridays – Grades 6, 7 and 8
For these weekday Masses, the students will be seated in the section of pews immediately to the left and to the right of the main sections of pews off of the center aisle. These Masses will follow the usual, simple form of celebration as weekday Masses have in the past.
We also have the once-a-month all-school Masses on Tuesday at 1:45 PM.
We believe it is a tremendous blessing to have our parish school children attending Mass at least once during the week. Through this, may all our parishioners learn again the importance of and need for regular attendance at Mass.
For the once-a-month all-school Masses, each grade level is responsible for the preparation of these liturgies. The students serve as readers, singers, and altar servers. Each liturgy has a theme, and the students are active participants in its prayerful presentation. We also have a faculty choir that sings during the liturgies.
Please see the weekly schedule of the School Liturgies on the right sidebar of this page.
Also, Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Parish (Saint Celestine Worship Site) offers Liturgy of the Word for Children that takes place at the 11 am Mass on the second and fourth Sundays of the month during the year.