Celebrating Advent and Christmas 2020

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December 2020

Our St. Celestine School Students celebrated Advent and Christmas 2020 in different ways:

  • Christmas around the world! – Learning how different cultures celebrate the holidays while creating gifts for loved ones!
  • Preschoolers celebrating! – They played “put the hay in the manger” and sang Christmas songs & Happy Birthday to Jesus!
  • All about Advent, pajama day and a visit from Santa! – Second Graders in Room 104 and 105 had a busy week or Holiday fun!
  • Third Grade prayed and celebrate the Birth of Jesus.
  • Sending some Holiday Cheer! – The Fourth Graders in Room 102 made Christmas cards to help “Pen Pal Social’s” challenge of collecting 500 holiday cards for senior citizens.
  • In our religion class, students created prayer chains to post along the hallways. Each link has a prayer request. The prayer chains are a reminder for students to pray for each other while they are lining up or waiting to enter class. While this season is a time of preparation and prayer, Advent is also filled with wonderful symbols from liturgical colors, evergreen wreaths, and imagery of light/darkness. The students continued a wonderful tradition started by Mrs. Loftus, a former long-standing St. Celestine English teacher. During the week of Faith the students studied the ancestry of Jesus through Joseph’s descendants. The Jesse tree named after Joseph’s father is decorated with Biblical symbols that represent significant people who passed their faith to the next generation either through their lineage or their encounters with God. Students were assigned a significant Biblical figure who was relevant to Christ’s ancestry and a symbol that represented an aspect of their story. The class used these Biblical symbols to decorate the Jesse tree.
  • Some Elves invaded the building!