Parents’ Club and Events

ATTENTION PARENTS – Join us on Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at 7 pm for a Virtual Parents Club Meeting! – Meeting Topics: Teacher Appreciation Week, Scholastic Book Fair, Kindergarten & 8th Grade Graduation, Restaurant Night, Parents’ Club 2023-2024 Calendar, Room Parents and Helpers 2023-2024, and 2023-2024 Committees… Here is the log-in information – Meeting Link: – Phone Numbers: (US) +1 669-220-6297 / PIN: 493 839 642#‬‬‬ – We hope to see you virtually.

Parents Club Newsletter (PDF) – April 2023

Parents Club Meeting Notes (Google) – April 2023


All families at St. Celestine School are members of the Parents’ Club! SCS Parents’ Club is responsible for planning and implementing many activities, events, and fundraisers throughout the school year to support students and their families, faculty and staff, and our school community. There are many ways to get involved and participate with Parents’ Club – attend our monthly meetings, become a Room Parent or Helper, volunteer your time at events such as Scholastic Book Fair, Trunk or Treat, Santa’s Secret Shop, Pizza Day, and Fun Fair, or join us at our monthly restaurant fundraisers!

Parents’ Club Meeting Schedule


Parents’ Club Meeting Minutes 2023-2024 (Google Doc)

Parents’ Club Volunteer Spot

Are you interested in volunteering for upcoming Parents’ Club sponsored events? – Please click below to see current opportunities!

Click to View Our SignUps on SignUp

Parents’ Club Room Parents & Helpers

Are you interested in helping in your child’s classroom as a Room Parent or Helper throughout the 2024-2025 school year?

Room parents and helpers…

  • Collaboratively plan special celebrations for Halloween & Valentine’s Day
  • Volunteer and participate in Teacher Appreciation Week
  • Volunteer on school field trips with the classroom
  • Serve as a parent contact for the classroom teacher
  • Communicate with classroom families
  • Volunteer at Parents’ Club sponsored events throughout the school year
  • Attend monthly Parents’ Club meetings

Interested in volunteering to be a room parent or helper? Please complete the following sign-up form by June 1, 2024.

Room Parents or Helper Sign-Up (Google Form)

REMINDER – All volunteers must meet the Archdiocese of Chicago requirements!

See Volunteer Requirements

As a room parent or helper, you make an impact on our St. Celestine School community!

Parents’ Club Bylaws and Mission

In order to maintain unity within the school community and strengthen St. Celestine School, the objectives of the St. Celestine Parents’ Club shall be to provide support to the…

  • Students and their Families,
  • Faculty and Staff,
  • and the School Community.

We shall accomplish this through…

  • effective communication,
  • engagement opportunities,
  • and financial support via fundraising.

Parents’ Club Bylaws (PDF)

Parents’ Club Board 2023-2024

  • Wendy ScolaPresident
  • Jackie LeeVice-President
  • Aimee ParkSecretary
  • Andrea DizonnoTreasurer
  • Theresa GeringerFundraising Activity Coordinator
  • Mary DossHospitality Coordinator
  • Alma Herrera, Gloria Zepeda and Rosie SchachtHostesses

If you have questions or concerns, please contact us at

Dear St. Celestine Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year at St. Celestine School! St. Parents Club would like to extend a warm welcome to all the new and returning families. We are happy to be back and look forward to making this school year one for the books!

At St. Celestine School, Parents Club is responsible for planning and implementing many events and fundraisers throughout the school year. There are so many ways to participate in Parents Club – attend our monthly meetings, become a Room Parent/Helper, dine out for restaurant nights or volunteer your time to assist with events such as Scholastic Book Fair, Trunk or Treat, Santa’s Secret Shop and Fun Fair. We are currently looking for a Scholastic Rep to assist us for our two annual Scholastic Book Fairs, if you are interested in leading a team, email us at

Last school year was incredibly successful in both fundraising and celebrating our amazing teachers & staff. We are only successful because of the fantastic parents and family members who help carry out our events. More than ever- we need YOU and want to hear from you. Share your ideas, start a group to lead a new fundraiser or event, help us make any adjustments to increase participation- so many great changes can happen when we come together.

All parents and volunteers who would like to participate in any capacity during school hours must complete five steps. Please visit or CLICK HERE and fill out the Child Protection Form, Compliance for Clergy, Employees & Volunteers Form, Criminal Background Check, CANTS form and must be VIRTUS (Protecting God’s Children for Adults) trained or register now for the training course at For more information, please see the school website under Volunteers, email Parents Club or call the school office.

Please keep an eye out for Parents Club communications about upcoming events and fundraising in weekly Brown Envelopes as well as our school social media accounts and upcoming emails from your child’s classroom Room parents. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have! We look forward to working with all our St. Celestine’s families to make this year a great one for our students!

The Parents Club Meetings during the 2022-2023 Year will be on the first Tuesday of the Month at 7 pm on September 6, October 4, November 1 (VIRTUAL), December 6, January 10 (2nd Tuesday – VIRTUAL), February 7, March 7, April 4, and May 2 (VIRTUAL).

Parents Club meetings will either be in the School Lunchroom, Annex or Teacher’s Room.

We hope to see you!

St. Celestine Parents Club